Does the Ideal Protein weight loss food program really work?

Absolutely, provided you follow the carefully defined guidelines. Remember, this is a scientifically sound, medically developed protocol that is designed to reset your body function and eating habits. That makes it not only your last diet, it becomes a life changing set of habits you can live with, naturally (and still have lots of fun with food) .

How does the diet work?

The diet is designed to put your body in a state of Ketosis. After approximately 3 days on the Ideal Protein Diet Plan your glycogen reserves are depleted (sugar and carbohydrates) and your body begins to burn your stored fat for energy. You will start losing weight rapidly as soon as fat becomes your first source of energy.

I’m afraid following the weight loss diet will be difficult

The first few days on the diet, before ketosis sets in, can be a challenge. But hang in there, once ketosis sets in the diet becomes very easy to stick to because the ketones produced act as natural appetite suppressants. Clients report increased energy levels, a greater feeling of well-being and more restful sleep.

The speed of the weight loss is a plus as well; it’s very motivating to stick to a diet when you can see and feel a difference quickly.

Is the weight loss diet harmful or unsafe?

The Ideal Protein diet is a medically safe balance of the Ideal vitamins, minerals & proteins. The diet is not an aggressive weight-loss method; it involves no medication. It’s not a “high protein” diet, because you eat only the proteins your body actually needs and no more.

The diet is not suitable for:

  • People with severe liver or kidney disease
  • People who have insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • People who have recently had a cardiovascular incident
  • People with active cancer
  • Children who haven’t finished growing
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

When will I start to see results?

Results vary, depending on your gender, metabolism and starting weight. Most clients will see a 3 – 5 pound weight loss at their first weigh in.

Why is there a greater chance of long-term success with this diet rather than others?

It is well-known that over production of insulin by the pancreas is a major cause of weight gain and fat storage. During your time on the weight loss program your pancreas will be given a “reboot” after a much-needed rest. A properly functioning pancreas is the key to avoiding filling up your fat reserves once you have completed the program and return to proper eating.

What are the foods like?

The foods are made with high biological value proteins and employ 5 different proteins: whey isolates, soy isolates, whole milk protein, albumin and hydrolyzed collagen. This gives our clients many options and is designed so people with sensitivities to dairy, soy or vegetarians may participate. The assortment includes foods that are crunch, chewy, hearty, smooth, sweet, spicy and salty. The foods are tasty and easy to prepare and with over 50 selections you won’t get bored!

How much does it cost?

We have several options to fit our client’s needs.  Please discuss pricing directly with our doctor/coach.

Do I have to buy more weight loss foods to maintain my weight after the program ends?

You don’t need to purchase the foods once you are done with the program but most clients like to keep some bars, drinks or soups on hand for quick or “emergency” meal replacements to avoid unhealthy choices.

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