

I read a great blog post the other day that made me stop and think.The blogger stated that only 5% of people are willing to do whatever it takes to have success whether it is in their personal lives, careers, or changing their bodies.

The blogger suggested we think about it – 100 people can have the same goals and ambitions – to be lean, strong, and healthy. However, only a few people will actually put in the work required to meet those goals. Only a couple of people will actually have a plan of action and stick to it 100 percent. Only a couple of people will be determined, motivated, and focused enough to do whatever it takes to meet their goal.

The blogger posed this question to his readers:  “What you need to do is ask yourself: am I in the 5% group? Will you finally stop saying you want to lose weight and actually do something about it?

Editor’s note:  For me, I know I am teetering on the fence – in jeopardy of falling and not being in that 5%.  THAT is the exact reason I have learned it’s so important for me to continually work with my coach – it helps keep up the motivation that will propel me to success.


This is the time of year where we are typically most motivated to get outside, go for a walk, or get some things done around the yard. We encourage you to really just push yourself this time of year, we should make our bodies used to a brisk walk once or even twice per day. It is great to get into a routine like this and stick to it so as the summer progresses we start to crave that “timeout” from the rest of our busy lives.

Forget all of those things you just need to get done, they will still be around 20 minutes from now. And chances are, you will return with a clear head and more energy to carry out everything you needed to.